Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Learning Journey to Singapore History Museum

Hi guys ,I back.This week journal is going to be on the learning journey I went on Monday.It was my first ever experience going to the Singapore National Museum.After lunch ,we board the bus .When I got into the museum I knew that it would be very interesting.Soon after we reach there , it started to rain so heavy that the spooky lights on the ceilings were swaying.Then they gave us our personal "tour guide"which was the Companion,a kind of information gadget or something like that.We had to gather together first on the floor to hear the instruction given by the guides over there.To process information,we must press in the numbers on the floor of each exhibits.The first exhibit I went in was projected with large screens.The atmosphere set was dim and eerie.Maybe it was set to bring out the exhibits.I used my own "tour guide"to guide. The well reserved artifacts and pictures really told me the histories that we cannot find in the textbooks .The Companion was clear and the details I needed was all in the Companion.There was an exhibit on how Singapore was defeated by the cruel Japanese soldiers.There were also exhibits of our war heroes such as Elizabeth Choy whom many people admired.There so many exhibits that I missed some of it.At first I went around the exhibits with some of my classmates ,then I went solo.An hour or less,I reach the end of the exhibits ,I handed my "tour guide "over to the guides and I took a rest on the sofa.After everyone had settled down,we went to the "Film and Wayang"gallery .In there we watched a lame Malay horror movie.Then we proceeded to the "Fashion "gallery.There were different types of clothes.After ,we went to the "Food"gallery which was filled with different types of food.There were containers containing different types of smells.Yuck!!!All smelled like different spices.We view alot of food.After that , we were told to fill up a survey.Then it was time for us to leave.As we said our farewell ,we leave the place reluctantly.We came back to school to collect our bags then we all went home.

My own opinion:It was really fun really ,I mean it.LOLs

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