Thursday, April 16, 2009

International Friendship Day

Hi,I am back for this week's journal ,international friendship day.I will be using IFD to represent International Friendship Day as it's to long.This year's theme is to find out more about ASEAN.As you know,we valued the importance of friends in our lives. To celebrate this noble feeling it was deemed fit to have a day dedicated to friends and friendship.Considering the valuable role friends play in our life it was deemed to fit to have a day dedicated to friends and friendship. The United States Congress, in 1935, proclaimed first Sunday of August as the National Friendship Day. Since then, celebration of National Friendship Day became an annual event. The noble idea of honoring the beautiful relationship of friendship caught on with the people and soon Friendship Day became a hugely popular festival.There are numerous folktales and several instance in mythological legends that shows that friends and friendship have been valued since the beginning of civilized world.ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Asean has a total of 10 countries which included Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia,Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and lastly,Vietnam.I did not even know about ASEAN till I was ask to know more about it.I then realise the importance of making friends of different races.My school held a concert last week.They invited an indonesian over to tell us more about their culture.Overall, I did find it interesting and nice.My school too held some activities on IFD.I enjoyed but thought that it could be better.I have ASEAN country's friend which I made on a holiday trip with my family.I seldom contact him as the only way was through MSN and I cannot use the computer for other things except for blogging during school days(which means I could only play computer games and MSN during school holidays).I think that the school should organise more activities on IFD.Erm...........Yah, that's for now.BYE!!!!

1 comment:

Splendid Six! said...

Hi Shawn,

Thanks for sharing how IFD started. You mentioned the concert could be better. Any suggestions?