Sunday, April 26, 2009

SA1 Oral Exam

Hi guys,I am back.This week,I am going to post about my SA1 Oral Exam.I just had my oral exam on Wednesday. Actually it was supposed to be on Thursday but because of Maths Olympiad, Miss Rahimah had to change the date of our Oral Exam.I was as nervous as like some of my friends.I think that some of my classmates are also regretting about the mistakes they made(like me).After lunch, we went to the hall, lined up in our classes first before getting divided into groups.Most of us thought Mrs Subra was our examiner and we thought that if she were to be our, we will 'die' for sure but it turned out to be Mr Muz.While I was waiting,I do my homework .While reading the passage ,I felt so nervous that I rushed through it(I read very badly).After I read the passage,I had to describe the picture.The picture was a roadside with students littering, playing soccer and dashing across the road.Then, the picture-conversation time!Mr Muz asked "Have you ever witnessed a accident?"I replied "Yes"and the necessary information to say. Next was Chinese.I had to wait for my turn be called.Then,when it was myturn, the teacher called about ten of us to the corridor of the hall to wait for our turn.(Rui Xuan was behind me).We were taken to the space beside the spiral staircase which was where we sit and sort of prepare to read the passage and describe the picture.The passage was a story about a camel and a mouse.The picture was a basketball court and there was a carpark beside it.Then we were led into the AVA room to take the real Oral.My chinese examiner was my own Chinese teacher, Miss Chong,which cause to be even nervous.I was so nervous that I was pausing my way through the passage.For the picture,there were students playing basketball, reading, littering, eating and running in the carpark.When Miss Chong asked me what is it in the picture that caught the most of your attention, I said it was the boys catching each other in the carpark because this is dangerous as they might not notice drivers who are driving their car out of the carpark and get knocked down.Then it was the end of the Oral.I then went downstairs where I met Sujay and then we talked about how we did for our Oral.I think that overall,I did badly!!!!This is the end of my terrible experience of Oral.

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