Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hi guys, I am back.This week,I am going to post on Kindness(which is the title of this post).Do you know what is Kindness?Kindness is actually helping somebody whom you don't know or whom you know.People this days are NOT helpful neither are they kind.It is important for us to be kind to other people as,other people,when you need help,will also help you.We can show kindness by helping an old lady to cross the road,giving up your seat in public transports for those who needs it or just helping your friend when they need help.I did a few acts of kindness which is giving my seat up for a pregnant women in the MRT train,helping an old lady to get up the bus and many similar acts like the ones I mention above.I actually felt a kind of happiness in me for every kindness acts.I would like to donate some of my toys and clothings to the poor people in other countries.I myself can promote the message of kindness to my friends by telling them the importance of being kind.This is the end of this post.

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