Saturday, May 30, 2009

Influenza A H1N1

Hey guys!!!I back for this week's journal.Currently,there is this disease which is the Influenza A H1N1 A.K.A swine flu,that is very contagious and is spreading really quickly to parts of the world.This is a respiratory infection caused by the H1N1 virus, which is a member of the Influenza A virus family.Just like seasonal flu, transmission of the virus occurs by contact with infected individuals, through direct contact or by droplets left by coughing and sneezing, or infected surfaces.
There is currently no vaccine against H1N1, and children have been found to be especially vulnerable to this flu.Asian countries like Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines and Korea have also caught the H1N1 virus. They quarantine tourists from Mexico or people who seem to have high fever to prevent more cases of H1N1. Good daily hygiene is the primary key towards managing the spread of H1N1.Hand washing with soap and water and hand sanitizers with alcohol are effective methods of protection, and are especially important after coughing or sneezing. Also, one should cover mouth and nose with a tissue or hand while coughing and sneezing, as well as avoid contact with eyes, nose or mouth, where germs transmission is most likely.To prevent the spread of H1N1, sick persons should stay home until symptom-free for at least 24 hours. For households with infected family members, designate one person to be the caretaker.
Schools in Singapore have taken preventive measures against this disease such as taking our temperature daily.This excercise is relatively effective and useful as if any pupil exceeds the temperature of a normal person,he/she would have to be send home or to the doctor to prevent he/she from spreading disease to other pupil.Airports have also carried out temperature-taking excercise.Besides this,as I had already mention,good daily hygiene have to also be practise.I would not wish for H1N1 virus to spread into Singapore,would you?And if H1N1 virus really spreads into Singapore,we would not have much freedom,right?So for this period,try your best to practise good hygiene habits,ok?

A word from me:This is the first time I write in passage